Most influential Indian Pharmacy Journals based on Journal of Citation Reports (2010)
Recently, there is a speeding birth of new journals everyday in our country and these journals mostly unequipped for the purpose of disseminating research information. Most of the papers being published either low or poor quality articles and there is no con- trol over it. One of the new journals (I would not like to mention here) publishes more than 100–200 papers in a issue and these papers are just a conver- sion of PDF of any piece of “Cut, Copy, Paste” mat- ter which becomes an article. I remember those days, when I was a Ph. D student and submitted an article in “Phytomedicine” and which took almost 18 months to publish after refining by multiple reviews based on the reviewer’s comments. I felt most satisfied and happy to have an article which taught me how to be a good author. As an editor to one of the pharmacy journal, a good quality article takes approximately a minimum of 6–12 months for the whole publishing process, how it would be possible to have such a huge number of articles in every month in newer journals. Read more . . .

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